Welcome to Mississippi Department of Human Services’ (MDHS) lift-ED!
This exciting new professional development system was designed by the Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS) to support early childhood educators. This site is an integral part of the robust ELEVATE: a Quality Support System that is being introduced across the state.
lift-ED provides a single registration point for all MDHS-funded professional development opportunities. Additionally, lift-ED will generate transcripts for completed training and professional resumes for all individuals using the system.
For administrators, lift-ED provides a way to monitor all the training hours earned by all staff to ensure annual training requirements are met.
Need help creating your account? Click here to access the lift-ED Professional Portal guide. See the "Sign Up" section of the guide for step-by-step instructions.
Want to speak to a member of the support team? Email support@welsfoundation.org or call us at (601) 345-3644 for Help Desk support.
Thank you for all you do for young children and their families! ♥